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Version: 0.15.50

How to connect to in-memory data in a Spark dataframe

This guide will help you connect to your data in an in-memory dataframe using Spark. This will allow you to ValidateThe act of applying an Expectation Suite to a Batch. and explore your data.

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have:
  • Completed the Getting Started Tutorial
  • A working installation of Great Expectations
  • Have access to an in-memory Spark dataframe


1. Choose how to run the code in this guide

Get an environment to run the code in this guide. Please choose an option below.

If you use the Great Expectations CLICommand Line Interface, run this command to automatically generate a pre-configured Jupyter Notebook. Then you can follow along in the YAML-based workflow below:

great_expectations datasource new

2. Instantiate your project's DataContext

Import these necessary packages and modules.

from ruamel import yaml

import great_expectations as gx
from great_expectations.core.batch import RuntimeBatchRequest
from great_expectations.data_context.types.base import (
from great_expectations.util import get_context

3. Configure your Datasource

Using this example configuration add in the path to a directory that contains some of your data:

datasource_yaml = f"""
name: my_spark_dataframe
class_name: Datasource
class_name: SparkDFExecutionEngine
class_name: RuntimeDataConnector
- batch_id

Run this code to test your configuration.


Note: Since the Datasource does not have data passed-in until later, the output will show that no data_asset_names are currently available. This is to be expected.

4. Save the Datasource configuration to your DataContext

Save the configuration into your DataContext by using the add_datasource() function.


5. Test your new Datasource

Verify your new DatasourceProvides a standard API for accessing and interacting with data from a wide variety of source systems. by loading data from it into a Validator using a BatchRequest.

Add the variable containing your dataframe (df in this example) to the batch_data key under runtime_parameters in your BatchRequest.

batch_request = RuntimeBatchRequest(
datasource_name="version-0.15.50 my_spark_dataframe",
data_connector_name="version-0.15.50 default_runtime_data_connector_name",
data_asset_name="version-0.15.50 <your_meangingful_name>", # This can be anything that identifies this data_asset for you
batch_identifiers={"batch_id": "default_identifier"},
runtime_parameters={"batch_data": df}, # Your dataframe goes here
Note this guide uses a toy dataframe that looks like this.
data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
{"a": 4, "b": 5, "c": 6},
{"a": 7, "b": 8, "c": 9},

Then load data into the Validator.

context.add_or_update_expectation_suite(expectation_suite_name="version-0.15.50 test_suite")
validator = context.get_validator(
batch_request=batch_request, expectation_suite_name="version-0.15.50 test_suite"

🚀🚀 Congratulations! 🚀🚀 You successfully connected Great Expectations with your data.

Additional Notes

To view the full scripts used in this page, see them on GitHub:

Next Steps

Now that you've connected to your data, you'll want to work on these core skills: