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Version: 0.15.50

How to add SQLAlchemy support for Custom Expectations

This guide will help you implement native SQLAlchemy support for your Custom ExpectationAn extension of the `Expectation` class, developed outside of the Great Expectations library..

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have:

Great Expectations supports a number of Execution EnginesA system capable of processing data to compute Metrics., including a SQLAlchemy Execution Engine. These Execution Engines provide the computing resources used to calculate the MetricsA computed attribute of data such as the mean of a column. defined in the Metric class of your Custom Expectation.

If you decide to contribute your ExpectationA verifiable assertion about data., its entry in the Expectations Gallery will reflect the Execution Engines that it supports.

We will add SQLAlchemy support for the Custom Expectations implemented in our guides on how to create Custom Column Aggregate Expectations and how to create Custom Column Map Expectations.


1. Specify your backends and dialects

While SQLAlchemy is able to provide a common interface to a variety of SQL dialects, some functions may not work in a particular dialect, or in some cases they may return different values. To avoid surprises, it can be helpful to determine beforehand what backends and dialects you plan to support, and test them along the way.

Within the examples defined inside your Expectation class, the test_backends key specifies which backends and SQLAlchemy dialects to run tests for. Add entries corresponding to the functionality you want to add:

examples = [
"data": {"x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "y": [0, -1, -2, 4, None]},
"tests": [
"title": "basic_positive_test",
"exact_match_out": False,
"include_in_gallery": True,
"in": {
"column": "x",
"min_value": 4,
"strict_min": True,
"max_value": 5,
"strict_max": False,
"out": {"success": True},
"title": "basic_negative_test",
"exact_match_out": False,
"include_in_gallery": True,
"in": {
"column": "y",
"min_value": -2,
"strict_min": False,
"max_value": 3,
"strict_max": True,
"out": {"success": False},
"test_backends": [
"backend": "pandas",
"dialects": None,
"backend": "sqlalchemy",
"dialects": ["sqlite", "postgresql"],
"backend": "spark",
"dialects": None,

You may have noticed that specifying test_backends isn't required for successfully testing your Custom Expectation.

If not specified, Great Expectations will attempt to determine the implemented backends automatically, but wll only run SQLAlchemy tests against sqlite.

2. Implement the SQLAlchemy logic for your Custom Expectation

Great Expectations provides a variety of ways to implement an Expectation in SQLAlchemy. Two of the most common include:

  1. Defining a partial function that takes a SQLAlchemy column as input
  2. Directly executing queries using SQLAlchemy objects to determine the value of your Expectation's metric directly

Great Expectations allows for much of the SQLAlchemy logic for executing queries be abstracted away by specifying metric behavior as a partial function. To do this, we use one of the @column_*_partial decorators:

  • @column_aggregate_partial for Column Aggregate Expectations
  • @column_condition_partial for Column Map Expectations
  • @column_pair_condition_partial for Column Pair Map Expectations
  • @multicolumn_condition_partial for Multicolumn Map Expectations

These decorators expect an appropriate engine argument. In this case, we'll pass our SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine. The decorated method takes in an SQLAlchemy Column object and will either return a sqlalchemy.sql.functions.Function or a sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnOperator that Great Expectations will use to generate the appropriate SQL queries.

For our Custom Column Map Expectation ExpectColumnValuesToEqualThree, we're going to leverage SQLAlchemy's in_ ColumnOperator and the @column_condition_partial decorator.

def _sqlalchemy(cls, column, **kwargs):
return column.in_([3])
Getting func-y?
We can also take advantage of SQLAlchemy's func special object instance.
func allows us to pass common generic functions which SQLAlchemy will compile appropriately for the targeted dialect, giving us the flexibility to not have write that targeted code ourselves!

Here's an example from ExpectColumnSumToBeBetween:

def _sqlalchemy(cls, column, **kwargs):
return sa.func.sum(column)

For more on func and the func-tionality it provides, see SQLAlchemy's Functions documentation.

3. Verifying your implementation

If you now run your file, print_diagnostic_checklist() will attempt to execute your example cases using this new backend.

If your implementation is correctly defined, and the rest of the core logic in your Custom Expectation is already complete, you will see the following in your Diagnostic Checklist:

✔ Has at least one positive and negative example case, and all test cases pass

If you've already implemented the Pandas backend covered in our How-To guides for creating Custom Expectations and the Spark backend covered in our guide on how to add Spark support for Custom Expectations, you should see the following in your Diagnostic Checklist:

✔ Has core logic that passes tests for all applicable Execution Engines and SQL dialects

🎉 You've successfully implemented SQLAlchemy support for a Custom Expectation! 🎉

4. Contribution (Optional)

This guide will leave you with core functionality sufficient for contribution back to Great Expectations at an Experimental level.

If you're interested in having your contribution accepted at a Beta level, your Custom Expectation will need to support SQLAlchemy, Spark, and Pandas.

For full acceptance into the Great Expectations codebase at a Production level, we require that your Custom Expectation meets our code standards, test coverage and style. If you believe your Custom Expectation is otherwise ready for contribution at a Production level, please submit a Pull Request, and we will work with you to ensure your Custom Expectation meets these standards.


For more information on our code standards and contribution, see our guide on Levels of Maturity for Expectations.

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