Tutorial, Step 2: Connect to data
- Completed Step 1: Setup of this tutorial.
In Step 1: Setup, we created a Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components.. Now that we have that Data Context, you'll want to connect to your actual data. In Great Expectations, DatasourcesProvides a standard API for accessing and interacting with data from a wide variety of source systems. simplify these connections by managing and providing a consistent, cross-platform API for referencing data.
Create a Datasource with the CLI
Let's create and configure your first Datasource: a connection to the data directory we've provided in the repo. This could also be a database connection, but because our tutorial data consists of .CSV files we're just using a simple file store.
Start by using the
CLICommand Line Interface
to run the following command from your
great_expectations datasource new
You will then be presented with a choice that looks like this:
What data would you like Great Expectations to connect to?
1. Files on a filesystem (for processing with Pandas or Spark)
2. Relational database (SQL)
The only difference is that we've included a "1" after the colon and you haven't typed anything in answer to the prompt, yet.
As we've noted before, we're working with
.CSV files. So you'll want to answer with
and hit enter.
The next prompt you see will look like this:
What are you processing your files with?
1. Pandas
2. PySpark
For this tutorial we will use Pandas to process our
files, so again answer with 1
and press
enter to continue.
When you select 1. Pandas
from the
above list, you are specifying your
Execution EngineA system capable of processing data to
compute Metrics.. Although the tutorial uses Pandas, Spark and
SqlAlchemy are also supported as Execution
We're almost done with the CLI! You'll be prompted once more, this time for the path of the directory where the data files are located. The prompt will look like:
Enter the path of the root directory where the data files are stored. If files are on local disk
enter a path relative to your current working directory or an absolute path.
The data that this tutorial uses is stored in
. Since we are working
from the ge_tutorials
directory, you only
need to enter data
and hit return to
This will now open up a new Jupyter Notebook to complete the Datasource configuration. Your console will display a series of messages as the Jupyter Notebook is loaded, but you can disregard them. The rest of the Datasource setup takes place in the Jupyter Notebook and we won't return to the terminal until that is done.
The datasource new
The Jupyter Notebook contains some boilerplate code to configure your new Datasource. You can run the entire notebook as-is, but we recommend changing at least the Datasource name to something more specific.
Edit the second code cell as follows:
datasource_name = "getting_started_datasource"
Then execute all cells in the notebook in order to save the new Datasource. If successful, the last cell will print a list of all Datasources, including the one you just created.
Before continuing, let’s stop and unpack what just happened.
Configuring Datasources
When you completed those last few steps, you told Great Expectations that:
You want to create a new Datasource called
(or whatever custom name you chose above). - You want to use Pandas to read the data from CSV.
Based on that information, the CLI added the following
entry into your
file, under the
name: getting_started_datasource
class_name: Datasource
module_name: great_expectations.datasource
module_name: great_expectations.execution_engine
class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
class_name: RuntimeDataConnector
- default_identifier_name
class_name: InferredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
base_directory: ../data/
- data_asset_name
pattern: (.*)
Please note that due to how data is serialized, the
entry in your great_expectations.yml
may not have these key/value pairs in the same order
as the above example. However, they will all have been
What does the configuration contain?
ExecutionEngine : The
Execution EngineA system capable of processing data to
compute Metrics.
provides backend-specific computing resources
that are used to read-in and perform
validation on data. For more information on
, please refer to
the following
Core Concepts document on
ExecutionEnginesA system capable of processing data to
compute Metrics.
DataConnectors :
Data ConnectorsProvides the configuration details based
on the source data system which are needed
by a Datasource to define Data
facilitate access to external data stores,
such as filesystems, databases, and cloud
storage. The current configuration contains
both an
, which allows you to retrieve a batch of
data by naming a data asset (which is the
filename in our case), and a
, which
allows you to retrieve a batch of data by
defining a filepath. In this tutorial we will
only be using the
. For more information on
, please refer
Data ConnectorsProvides the configuration details based
on the source data system which are needed
by a Datasource to define Data
This Datasource does not require any
credentials. However, if you were to connect
to a database that requires connection
credentials, those would be stored in
In the future, you can modify or delete your
configuration by editing your
files directly.
For now, let’s move on to Step 3: Create Expectations.