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Version: 0.14.13

How to use the Great Expectations Docker images

This guide will help you use the official Great Expectations Docker images. This is useful if you wish to have a fully portable Great Expectations runtime that can be used locally or deployed on the cloud.

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have:
  • Completed the Getting Started Tutorial
  • Have a working installation of Great Expectations
  • Installed Docker on your machine


1. Choose Docker image

First, choose which image you'd like to use by browsing the offical Great Expectations Docker image registry.

Note: We do not use the :latest tag, so you will need to specify an exact tag.

2. Pull the Docker image

For example:

docker pull greatexpectations/great_expectations:python-3.7-buster-ge-0.12.0

3. Mount the great_expectations directory

Next, we assume you have a Great Expectations project deployed at /full/path/to/your/project/great_expectations. You need to mount the local great_expectations directory into the container at /usr/app/great_expectations, and from there you can run all non-interactice commands, such as running checkpoints and listing items:

docker run \
-v /full/path/to/your/project/great_expectations:/usr/app/great_expectations \
greatexpectations/great_expectations:python-3.7-buster-ge-0.12.0 \
datasource list

Additional notes

If you need to run interactive great_expectations commands, you can simply add the -it flags for interactive mode.

docker run -it \
-v /full/path/to/your/project/great_expectations:/usr/app/great_expectations \