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Version: 0.17.23

Quickstart for GX Cloud and Snowflake

In this quickstart, you'll learn how to connect GX Cloud to Snowflake Data Assets.


Generate your user access token and copy your organization ID

You'll need your user access token and organization ID to set your environment variables. Access tokens shouldn't be committed to version control software.

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Tokens.

  2. In the Access tokens pane, click Create user access token.

  3. Complete the following fields:

    • Token name - Enter a name for the token that will help you quickly identify it.

    • Role - Select Admin. For more information about the available roles, click Information (?).

  4. Click Create.

  5. Copy and then paste the user access token into a temporary file. The token can't be retrieved after you close the dialog.

  6. Click Close.

  7. Copy the value in the Organization ID field into the temporary file with your user access token and then save the file.

    GX recommends deleting the temporary file after you set the environment variables.

Set the environment variables and start the GX Cloud agent

Environment variables securely store your GX Cloud and Snowflake access credentials. The GX Cloud agent runs open source GX code in GX Cloud, and it allows you to securely access your data without connecting to it or interacting with it directly.

  1. Start the Docker Engine.

  2. Run the following code to set the GX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN, GX_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION_ID, and GX_CLOUD_SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD environment variables, install GX Cloud and its dependencies, and start the GX Cloud agent:

    Terminal input
    docker run --rm -e GX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN="<user_access_token>" -e GX_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION_ID="<organization_id>" -e GX_CLOUD_SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD="<snowflake_password>" greatexpectations/agent

    Replace user_access_token, organization_id, and snowflake_password with your own values.

  3. Optional. If you created a temporary file to record your user access token and Organization ID, delete it.

  4. Optional. Run docker ps or open Docker Desktop to confirm the agent is running.

    If you stop the GX Cloud agent, close the terminal, and open a new terminal you'll need to set the environment variables again.

    To edit an environment variable, stop the GX Cloud agent, edit the environment variable, save the change, and then restart the GX Cloud agent.

Create the Snowflake Data Asset

Create a Data Asset to define the data you want GX Cloud to access within Snowflake.

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets > New Asset.

  2. Complete the following mandatory fields:

    • Datasource name: Enter a meaningful name for the Data Asset.

    • Username: Enter your Snowflake username.

    • Password variable: Enter GX_CLOUD_SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD.

    • Account or locator: Enter your Snowflake account or locator information. The locator value must include the geographical region. For example, us-east-1. To locate these values see Account Identifiers.

  3. Optional. Complete the following fields:

    • Database: Enter the name of the Snowflake database where the data you want to validate is stored.

    • Schema: Enter the name of the schema for the Snowflake database where the data you want to validate is stored.

    • Warehouse: Enter the name of the Snowflake database warehouse.

    • Role: Enter your Snowflake role.

    • Authenticator: Enter the Snowflake database authenticator that you want to use to verify your Snowflake connection.

  4. Optional. Clear Create temp table if you don't want to create a temporary database table.

  5. Optional. Clear Test connection if you don't want to test the Data Asset connection.

  6. Select Table Asset or Query Asset and complete the following fields:

    • Asset name: Enter a name for the Data Asset.

    • Table name: When Table Asset is selected, enter a name for the table you're creating in the Data Asset.

    • Query: When Query Asset is selected, enter the query that you want to run on the table.

  7. Optional. Select Add table/query to add additional tables or queries and repeat step 6.

  8. Click Finish.

Add an Expectation

An Expectation is a verifiable assertion about your data. They make implicit assumptions about your data explicit.

  1. In the Data Assets list, click the Snowflake Data Asset name.

  2. Click New Expectation.

  3. Select an Expectation type, enter the column name, and then complete the optional fields.

    If you prefer to work in a code editor, click the JSON Editor tab and define your Expectation parameters in the code pane.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Optional. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to add additional Expectations.

Validate Expectations

  1. Click Validate.

  2. When the confirmation message appears, click See results, or click the Validations tab.